thomasville website design
Thomasville Furniture
Branding, Responsive Web Design, UX, Promotions, Online Marketing

Thomasville’s core consumers are a mix of consistent connoisseurs & thrifty traditionalists. Knowing that they are always on the lookout for design ideas, we positioned the new website to be mobile first and editorially focused with bold headlines, large format photography and an outside the box left-hand navigation that so many tablet users are used to experiencing.

iphone 5
mobile navigation
handheld device
website browser

“The Brand Aid team brings a high level of creativity and technical know-how to projects, two skill sets that do not always go hand in hand. Their team is comprised of clear and focused communicators. Deadlines are set to be met. When I partner with Brand Aid, a successful project is in the crosshairs.”

Kathy Devereux

VP of Marketing at Thomasville Furniture Industries

“Brand Aid is my go to team for all things related to web creative. I worked with them as a direct partner on redesigning & maintaining and I could always count on them to take my input and turn it into a workable, well designed finished product. I consider Brand Aid an extension of my internal team and highly recommend them as a completely reliable and talented business partner.”

Mark Smiley

Director, National Brand Communication at Thomasville Furniture Industries

store banner
ipad find a store
ipad navigation
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